Exploring the B-12 Myth
For more, get Prof. Spira’s eBook Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System.
Whenever we are provoked by the erroneous concepts that we have been programmed to respect since childhood, we must have courage in the unknown. Simple logic will always save the day. I know plenty of people who have suffered and died from disease that were pus and mucus eaters, but I do not know anybody who died eating only fruits and greenleaf vegetables (mucusless foods). Since we already know what is at the end of the mucus path, it makes sense to explore the unknown. I find it essential to interrogate the historical origins of these erroneous medical and dietetic theories. Who created the protein myth and when? Who coined the term vitamin and why? What kind of diet did these elusive founding fathers of Western medical science have, and how did it affect the nature of their investigations? Consider the historical origin of the B-12 theory:
B12 deficiency is the cause of several forms of anemia. The treatment for this disease was first devised by William Murphy who bled dogs to make them anemic and then fed them various substances to see what (if anything) would make them healthy again. He discovered that ingesting large amounts of liver seemed to cure the disease. George Minot and George Whipple then set about to chemically isolate the curative substance and ultimately were able to isolate vitamin B12 from the liver. For this, all three shared the 1934 Nobel Prize in Medicine (B12, Wikipedia, originally accessed 2005).
Thus, through a sadistic experiment on a dog (not a human), Murphy reasoned that pus(rotting flesh) helped to save an anemic dog from certain death. Twisted and absurd! Unfortunately, far too many of the origin stories that form our dietetic and medical mythology derive from sordid scenarios such as this one.’
So if vitamin B-12 does not exist, what do medical doctors measure in a B-12 blood test?
Short answer, they (doctors) can’t see the forest through the trees and don’t know what they are looking at.
Long answer answer: a chemist might say cyanocobalamin. Merely the name invented for a particular chemical structure found in the body. Since the days of alchemy, humans have had a fascination with extracting, isolating, naming, and examining chemical components. This proved to be useful when extracting metals from ore, making pigment for paints and make-up, or concocting questionable medicinal potions that suppress symptoms of elimination. However, it must be understood that the foundation on which Western physiology and medical science is built is egregiously erroneous. Based upon their own omnivorous diets, early researchers assumed that humans needed to eat dead animal flesh, et.al. Given the historical context surrounding the eating habits of these early investigators, it is easy to see why the foundation of physiological inquiry is so flawed. They failed to consider the proposition that humans are a tropical, frugivorous species, and that the foundation of human illness is constipation/obstruction derived from unnatural food substances. This resulted in a problematic ‘additive’ paradigm to emerge whereby the intake of (wrong) foods for fuel became the emphasis. In the Mucusless Diet Healing System, Prof. Arnold Ehret explains that
metabolism, or the ‘science of change of matter,’ is the most absurd and the most dangerous doctrine-teaching ever imposed on mankind. It is the father of the wrong cell theory and of that most erroneous albumen theory, which latter theory will kill and stamp out the entire civilized Western world if its following is not stopped.
The French medical term ‘anaemia’ derives from the Greek ‘anaimia’ which means “lack of blood” or “bloodless”. In 1822 a Scottish doctor wrote a report on the “History of a Case of Anemia,” which is the name eventually given to this condition of cellular constipation. Interestingly, the Scottish doctor theorized that the illness derived from digestion or absorption issues. It was only 40 years ago that American doctors proposed that the problem was associated with their problematic concept of nutrition. I do not deny the existence of particular kinds of chemical structures that may be observed in the body with sophisticated modern tools. The problem is that what these chemicals do and how they operate are misunderstood.
In medicine, flawed theories are built upon older flawed theories which result in total confusion. It is still believed by many that humans need to eat rotting carcasses to obtain some kind of nutrition. And if not enough is eaten it must be supplemented by chemical isolates (poisons), or with an increase of certain fruits/vegetables. This medieval thinking is still the foundation of Western dietetic thought. Yet, what cow drinks milk to produce milk? Or eats other cows to produce beef? What 600 lb. gorilla needs B-12 supplements or shots (unless unfortunate enough to be imprisoned by humans)? My proposition is that such reasoning of medical science is greatly flawed and it is necessary to dispense with many of these commonly held notions.
In a world where mucus and pus eating runs rampant, and clueless medical doctors are unquestionably respected like clergymen, the fear of not getting enough ‘nutrition’ still exists. A new physiological paradigm based upon the principles of Ehret’s “New Physiology” must be explored and further realized. With this said, the SYMPTOMS associated with our modern concept of ‘deficiency’ are real, although the explanation for why they occur is fallacious. Given that ‘constipation’ is the foundation of human illness, it must be understood that such experiences derive from a condition of cellular constipation. To remove this waste, and regenerate on the cellular level, may only be done perfectly and permanently through the long-term practice of the Mucusless Diet Healing System.
Peace, Love, and Breath!
-Prof. Spira
Further Reading
Kyle Kirkland (2010).
Biological Sciences: Notable Research and Discoveries, Facts on File, Inc.. p. 87.
“B12”, Wikipedia
History of B-12 theory (view it for your self and see if the theory holds up).
Thomas Kuhn (1962)
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
Arnold Ehret, (1924) Mucusless Diet Healing System. Ehret Pub.
For a perspective on physiological chemistry based upon a frugivorous paradigm, see
Robert Morse (2004) “Understanding our Species” in
The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration![]()
pgs 8-11.
For a classic book on fruitarian thinking see
Hereward Carrington (c. 1910)
The Natural Food of Man
This is the coolest article I have read on B12! Much fruity love your way brother. 🙂
Amazing post on B12, vitamins, and the nutrition theory in general. With the rising number of fruitarians, liquidarians, ehretists, and breatharians coming on the scene and sharing their experiences, a new physiology is arising indeed.
I agree, by far the best article on B12 I’ve read to date. Thank you SO much!
Hey Spira, great article !
I just discovered an incredible guy : http://www.speedhealing.com/
Here is what Nichlas Brandon, a Dr. Morse’s protocol practitioner and a mucusless diet healing system says about him on deficiencies :
Dr. C. Samuel West (1932-2004) who founded the International Academy of Lymphology (I.A.L.) (now presided over by one of his 10 children, Karl West) learned how we can alter our blood chemistry in less than 60 seconds by generating the frequencies corresponding to each nutrient and transferring it to the blood; the blood would visibly change appearance if we generated a nutrient that would have such an effect, like iron (turns blood darker) and the levels will reflect accordingly on the tests. He taught others how to do it and you learn how to do this as part of their Applied Lymphology Course (Dr. Morse’s courses and the I.A.L.’s course complement each other extremely well).
Before starting their course, I asked Karl West what their thoughts were on nutritional deficiencies and proceeded to ask specifically about B12 and a plant-based diet, raw or not. I was essentially told it was a non-issue because deficiencies can be corrected fast, and, get this, WITHOUT supplements or any other products (that’s my kind of language 8-)). You learn how to do it, you do it yourself as often as you want, and it doesn’t cost a penny. How many people does that put out of business?
The I.A.L., like Dr. Morse, understand, too, that lack of this or that nutrient is NOT the primary problem; these are merely secondary effects, if you will, of something much deeper and more serious that must be addressed for these issues to be prevented from happening in the first place.
Because they enhance each other, I aim to fuse what we learn from Dr. Morse with the knowledge, understanding and research that was gathered, championed and taught by Dr. West and is now taught by those of his children (Prof. Karl West and Dr. Stephen E. West primarily) who are actively carrying Dr. West’s work forward.
He’s like a second Dr. Morse and vice versa to me, which is why I so darn wish the two had met before Dr. West passed away. Both Karl and Stephen West confirm that their father had never heard of Dr. Morse, at least not that they were aware of.
What remains a mystery to me is that Dr. Jensen, being a very good friend of the two, never introduced the two to each other, especially in light of how much they both emphasize the lymphatic system as the key to the life and death processes, above anything else.
Either way, I hope to bring some of their research to Dr. Morse’s attention one day; I think he’ll like it, as it can help put some more puzzle pieces in place for us.
Back when I was reading it for the first time, I was surprised when I found Dr. West devoted a portion of his book (The Golden Seven Plus One) to Prof. Arnold Ehret and the importance of transition. Notice also the excess protein = kidney damage. 😎
According to Dr. West, the best food sources to cover all our needs were “fruits, vegetables and sprouts.” However, he also did recommend whole grains much like Dr. Morse did in the early days when he (Dr. Morse) ran a health food store. In addition to the almighty white potato – as you will denote from the table of contents in the image below – he also suggested recipes with whole wheat (which the I.A.L. today strongly advises against).
It’s a great book that I highly recommend, although it may be a little difficult to get a copy of it unless you order it directly from the academy.
Really great to see that scientits have gone this far, hope it will give you some articles and videos to make !