List of Mucusless Foods – Acid-Binding, Non-Mucus-forming, Mucus-Free Foods

List of Mucusless Foods – Acid-Binding, Non-Mucus-forming, Mucus-Free Foods

The overeating of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods is a problem of epidemic proportions around the world! But many people do not realize how harmful mucus-forming foods are to their health and well-being.

Further, few people know what foods are truly mucusless (mucus-free) and how vital they are in healing human illness and maintaining life. In the following article we will explore what foods are mucus-free.

The word “mucusless,” or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not pus or mucus-forming inside the human body. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.

The term was coined in the early 1900s by dietitian and healer Prof. Arnold Ehret in his book the Mucusless Diet Healing System. The Mucusless Diet consists of all kinds of raw and cooked fruits, starchless vegetables, and cooked or raw, mostly green-leaf vegetables.

The Mucusless Diet as a Healing System is a combination of individually advised long and short-term fasts, menus that progressively change to non-mucus-forming raw foods, and other therapies such as sun-bathing, exercise, colon irrigation, etc.

Ehret observes that the accumulation of uneliminated waste materials by eating pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods, is the foundation of human illness.

healing systemThe full list of acid-binding and acid-forming foods can be found in the Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira. This is the first critical edition of the Mucusless Diet that is designed for a 21st century reader. The following list is certainly not exhaustive, but these are some of the most common mucusless (mucus-free) foods.

This list includes a section for vegetables that are all, or relatively, starchless. Although they may contain a little starch, some of them have been identified to be great vegetables to use during the ‘transition diet,’ and good for this list. In the Mucusless Diet Ehret explains how cooking some starchy vegetables “improves” their cleansing abilities, as much of the starch is eliminated. To see a List of Pus, Mucus and Acid-Forming Foods click here.

Understand that the Mucusless Diet as a healing system is not just about what foods we should eat, but how to systematically eat less harmful foods to transition away from the worst ones. Although this list does consist of mucusless foods, the Mucusless Diet practitioner does eat some mucus-forming foods that are not on this list.

To understand the SYSTEM in its entirety see the TRANSITION DIET in Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System, or for a 21st century perspective, see Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System




  • Arugula
  • Bok Choi
  • Cabbage
  • Collard
  • Dandelion Leaf
  • Kale
  • Leafy Herbs (Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, etc.)
  • Lettuce (Green, Red, Romaine, Boston Bibb, Iceberg)
  • Mustard
  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Turnip
  • Watercress


  • Asparagus
  • Black Radish, with skin
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Dandelion
  • Dill
  • Endives
  • Green Onions
  • Horse Radish, with skin
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Red Beets
  • Red Cabbage
  • Rhubarb
  • Sea Vegetables
  • Sprouts (Alfalfa, Brassica, Green-Leaf, Radish)
  • Sugar Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Young Radish
  • Zucchini


  • Acorn Squash (Baked)
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli (Baked or Steamed)
  • Brussels Sprouts (Steamed)
  • Butternut Squash (Baked)
  • Carrots (Steamed)
  • Cauliflower (Steamed or Baked)
  • Green Peas (Steamed)
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Pumpkins (Baked or Steamed)
  • Spaghetti Squash (Baked)
  • Sweet Potato (Baked)
  • Zucchini (Steamed or Baked)



  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Banana
  • Black Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Blood Orange
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Honeybell Tangelos
  • Honeydew
  • Lemons
  • Mandarin
  • Mangos
  • Nectarine
  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Plums
  • Pomegranates
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • Raspberries
  • Sour Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Tangerines
  • Tangerines
  • Watermelon


  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Currants
  • Currants, (Dried)
  • Dates
  • Dates, (Dried)
  • Figs
  • Figs (Dried)
  • Grapes/raisins
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Plums/prunes
  • Strawberries


  • Agave Nectar
  • Coconut Water
  • Fruit Jellies (no sugar added)
  • Maple Syrup (100%, no preservatives)
  • Molasses (no preservatives)
  • Honey (bee)

The Transition Diet – List of Mucusless Foods

It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out the TRANSITION DIET section of the Mucusless Diet Healing System.


Spira Talks About his Favorite Mucus-free Foods

Subscribe to Spira’s Youtube Channel

Prof. Spira is an expert on the Mucusless Diet, webmaster of, and author of “Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System” where he reveals how he lost 100lbs and overcame numerous illnesses by practicing Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System. He is also the editor of the first critical edition of the diet entitled “Prof. Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.” To get Spira Speaks CLICK HERE.


104 thoughts on “List of Mucusless Foods – Acid-Binding, Non-Mucus-forming, Mucus-Free Foods

    • Ms. Cin..."Sin" says:

      I concur! At times the speakers and or videos become redundant or at least speaking on transition, which is important, however, some of us cannot consume all or most foods on transitional diet.

    • Spira says:

      It is a ‘fatty fruit’ like avocados. As Ehret explains, all ‘fats’ are acid/mucus-forming. They can be used during the transition, although I tend to recommend using them sparingly due to how addictive they can be. Peace, Love, and Breath!

      • lpolo says:

        The list is not very wide. It’s a shame that all of these great fruits such as avocado cannot be eaten.

        What about the necessary dietary fat we’d need?

        • Spira says:

          As it says in the beginning, this is not a “do not eat” list, but rather a list of foods that create mucus or acid. To understand how a list like this can be used within the context of the Mucusless Diet Healing System, you will want to give the Annotated Mucusless Diet a good reading (check it out here: In the meantime, here is a useful and practical list that includes mucus-free and “mucuslean” items that are good for the transition diet: Peace, Love, and Breath!

        • Judy says:

          I have severe lower back pain and have since I had a codall shot to numb me from waist down to give birth to my only 2 children.
          What do I need to do to target this pain.
          I have to take narcotics to bear this pain. Yes it’s that severe.

      • Diane Martin says:

        How do I get rid of much as in my lungs? I have been on the mucus free diet for two weeks. Thanks for your input. Kindly, Diane Martin

  1. Colleen K. Peltomaa says:

    Prof. Spira, thank you for devoting yourself to teaching the basics of health. My question is about Blue Green Algae (BGA) — does it weigh in as mucus-forming or non-mucus forming. Generally, I make a sun-tea out of it and do not eat the sludge on the bottom, drinking only the blue liquid.

    • Spira says:

      I’m not a proponent of algae. Ehret asserted that the primary reason for eating was to aid the body in eliminating waste, and most people consume algae, or what the Naturopath Dr. Morse refers to as “pond scum”, for nutritional reasons. I do not think that they are mucus-forming, although as a fungus that can be potentially acid-forming. Foreign bacteria and fungus is something that we usually want to eliminate from the body, so I’ve never been too much of a fan of consuming them in any form. I would probably go for an herbal tea during the transition over one with algae. Peace, Love, and Breath!

  2. Colleen K. Peltomaa says:

    Sorry, but one more question: I stopped using fats and oils except for hand-pressed coconut oil because I read so many good things about it. Please advise, thank you.

    • Spira says:

      That sounds fine for the transitional diet period. Oils, even the coconut, can be acid or mucus-forming if too much is consumed, but using it in small amounts on salads, etc., are fine for the transition. However, if I were in a period of fasting or fruit diet, I would avoid all oils, including coconut oil.

  3. khellili says:

    Hello prof.Soira;
    In your Ebooks the bee pollen is not mentionned.
    Is the Bee pollen a mucus and acid-forming food?.Thanks

    • Spira says:

      Bee pollen isn’t mucus-forming, although it is not something recommended. Most people use bee pollen as a nutritional supplement, and we do not think in terms of “nutrition” but rather how well a particular food is able to help eliminate waste.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

      Prof. Spira

  4. khellili says:

    Hello prof.Spira;
    In your Ebooks the bee pollen is not mentionned.
    Is the Bee pollen a mucus and acid-forming food?.Thanks

    • Spira says:

      I would say that bee pollen is mucusless, although I’m not proponent of it. Ehret challenges nutritional theories and asserts that the reason we eat is to eliminate waste from the body. Bee pollen does not really aid our body in elimination, as most people consume it with the goal of getting what is believed to be more nutrition.

    • Spira says:

      It is okay to eat nuts in moderation with dried fruit to aid elimination. However, soaking them does not get rid of their mucus-forming properties. So you would want to keep the same transitional rules regarding nuts whether you soak them or not.

  5. Seb says:

    I want to try the mucusless diet.
    When you started the mucusless diet and had cravings, what did you do? It scares me not to eat chocolate and meat .How many meals do you have?

    • Spira says:

      I was able to find vegetaric transitional menus that quenched my cravings while leaving behind the least amount of waste. I write a lot about my transition in eBook Spira Speaks and offer many of my ‘transitional’ menu ( The other thing that helped a lot was lemon enemas. If I had a bad craving, I would make a deal with myself that if I still craved it after an enema, I’d eat it. I would rarely want to eat mucus after having done a lemon enema.

  6. Becky says:

    I am so glad I found this page! I ordered the book too 🙂 I have been “battling” with the 80/10/10 diet for two years now. I did not want to do it 100% because I live in a cold rural area with not much available as far as raw produce in winter…but after experiencing it, my body would not let me go back! It wasn’t a guilt thing, it was my body physically forcing me to do this diet, I just felt worse and worse on cooked food the more fruits and veggies I ate raw…but it is so hard where I live that the transition has been terrible 🙁 I’m so glad I have another perspective on it…AND now I have a list of foods I can safely cook during winter!
    My main medical issue, the reason I’m doing this, is severe menstrual bleeding, which has caused many other issues over the years. I’ve had this issue since I was 13 and had obvious hormone issues all my life. The hormone imbalances make changing over to this diet so much harder than if my detox symptoms were just physical. I am far enough into doing 80/10/10 that my body tells me exactly what it doesn’t want when I eat it. I am excited to read the book and get a new perspective on this diet that seems to be almost the same as what I’m doing now. Hopefully I will be able to tweak it even better with this info than with the info I got from 80/10/10.

  7. khellili says:

    Hello prof.Spira.
    I have lost so much weight adopting the Ehret’s diet and now As i’m a stacker I need to build muscules to work.My fellow workers find
    me very skinny.Please tell me what is the food I need to build the muscules.

    • Spira says:

      Greetings! We don’t necessary think about muscle building in the Western dietetic sense of eating protein, etc. From a Mucusless Perspective, the key is to have a clean body. However, we advocate a long and gradual transition toward higher levels of mucuslessness. Thus, eating some heavier plant-based meals is okay. Steamed collard greens, cabbage, broccoli, and peas are good relatively mucusless options. Always eat them with a big raw salad. For something a bit heaver, try cooked beans (black, kidney, etc.) nuts and raisins, or even some vegetarian/vegan foods if you really crave them. With that said, once you have really cleaned your system, you should be able to maintain weight, even when you fast or eat totally mucusless. Peace, Love, and Breath!

  8. Holly says:

    Hi Prof. Spira, many thank you’s for your wonderful work!
    I was wondering what you thought about other cooked veggies such as eggplant for example. Also, you say that sweet potato becomes almost mucusless when well baked, what about if it is well steamed?

    • Spira says:

      Greetings Holly! Thank you for the support! Eggplant is fine for the transition. However, I would not eat it, or any cooked vegetable, alone without a raw salad. Eggplant is to soft to provide the “intestinal broom-like” effect, so rough raw vegetables combined with it will help. Sweet potatoes can be steamed. I prefer baked and think that the starch is neutralized a bit better, but it is okay steam them periodically. Peace, Love, and Breath!

  9. Trish says:

    Hello there!
    I know that the concept is that this lifestyle (which I have taken up thank you 🙂 ) can help heal all disease, but I was wondering if you had specific opinions on absence seizures (epilepsy). If patients decide to take a more natural approach, it is normally under an extremely high fat diet (ketogenic diet). This has showed remarkable results, but it’s quite the opposite of the mucusless diet. Do you have input on this?
    Thanks! 🙂

  10. Alex says:

    Hey professor Spira,

    Coliflower and other food from the cabbage familly are high in purine and not advised in a gout diet.

    What do you think about it, is it mucus or pus forming ?

    • Spira says:

      As Ehret points out, more extreme cases of illness require more intensive periods of fasting and high fruit eating. Steamed cruciferous vegetables are recommended for people transitioning from a very bad diet, and then in times of applying the general “transition diet” once intensive illnesses are overcome. But, in general, I’m weary of the kind of “disease” analysis and treatment that is the foundation of this article. Steamed cruciferous are relatively mucus-free and would be far better than any other mucus-forming item. But this article does not seem to recommend the removal of all “mucus-forming” foods.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

    • Spira says:

      There is a bit of starch in carrots, so I would not use them while being strictly mucusless. But, they are totally fine to use during the transition diet phases.

    • Spira says:

      All fruits have acid, however as Ehret points out, fruit acids become alkaline during the digestion process. Furthermore, they do not degrade and leave behind slimy substances. For instance, meat leaves behind slimy pus in the system which has trouble eliminating from the body. As a result, it festers inside and ultimately becomes destructively acidic internally. I hope that clarifies things a bit.

      Peace, Love. and Breath!

    • Maza says:

      I thought the same thing, moreover I wonder if the lemon ennemas are not just acidifying and then irritating the mucosa of the colon which would produce mucus (and in this paradigm we think it is mucoid plaque).
      After so many years of doing your ennemas, do you still see mucoid plaque regularly ?

    • Spira says:

      Much of what is in the link is very problematic. We find modern-day nutritional theories to be fundamentally flawed and have little to do with healing. Few that try to use such principles will heal themselves of chronic illness. Healing is much simpler than worrying about counting vitamins and minerals. To see what I’m talking about, definitely give the New Annotated Mucusless Diet a read through:

      I do offer one on one coaching if you would be interested in using the the Mucusless Diet Healing System to overcome your issues: There is a remarkable community of people healing themselves of every illness using mucus-free healing, but the process is something that is still disregarded by the mainstream medical and dietetic establishment.

      Let me know if you have any further questions.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

  11. Janelle says:

    Thank you for all of your experience and hard work! Iam just now learning about this way of eating. I have six small children and am pregnant. Can I follow this way of eating for all of us? How will it effect the pregnancy? I teach the Bradley Method which encourages 80-100 grams of protein a day for a pregnant woman.

    • Spira says:

      Greetings Janelle,

      Sorry for the delayed response. Everyone can be on the transition. Babies are actually already on “the transition,” but most parents who are unaware of their diets end up using store-bought formulas that have a lot of terrible ingredients to transition their kids into the SAD (standard American diet). Children can also thrive on the transition diet. Here is a clip from my old radio show where we talk to a pregnant woman who had 5 children while practicing the Mucusless Diet:

      What I’ve found is that children actually crave fruit and are very attracted to it, but parents often don’t allow them to have it like they should. I’ve been in the store many times and have seen small children reach out for colorful fruit, and the mother pulls the kid away and they walk over to the candy isle and get unnatural sweets. I’m always saddened to see this.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

  12. Milla says:

    What a wonderfully interesting new level of knowledge to find! A member of my family has recently become engaged to a lovely girl with Cystic Fibrosis. I assumed that she would know about mucous-forming foods as she’s been in and out of hospital all her life, surely by now her Allopathic doctors would have exposed her to the idea that at the very least, dairy and gluten should be avoided at all costs. Well apparently she has never ever heard of the idea that there are mucous-forming foods. The main problem with CF is that the body secretes high quantities of a super-thick, extra sticky mucous, coating the digestive tract, lungs and all internal organs. She sleeps with a CPAP oxygen machine so that she doesn’t become unconscious and then die, and her life expectancy is a few more years. Can you give any tips for a transition in this kind of case where the person has a VERY high calorie requirement? She is on the brink of starvation all the time as her food is very poorly absorbed, not to even mention that she is basically following a standard American diet with lots of animal products and grain-based foods as they are supposedly high in calories. Do you know anyone personally who has improved their cystic fibrosis with the mucousless diet, or is there a resource you are aware of that has CF success stories from vegan, fully raw, 80/10/10 or mucousless lifestyles? Thank you for this info!! xxx

    • Spira says:

      Greetings Milla, sorry for the delayed response. There are many case studies of people using mucus-free healing and fasting to overcome such issues. Check out the following to see videos of one of the greatest mucus-free (raw food, vegan) healers, Dr. Robert Morse. His videos are a great resource for those learning to detoxify on the level necessary to overcome chronic illnesses:

      I would certainly recommend working with a coach or practitioner if you haven’t already found one. I’ve helped a lot folks overcome such issues, and you can see my consultation packages here:

      I hope all is well.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

  13. Pingback: My Diet Post (Part 2 – What Is My Diet?) | metalcowgirl

    • Spira says:

      I’ll re post here for the benefit of others: I’m not particularly a fan of mushrooms. They do not aid in elimination and have the potential to be acid-forming. Also, in general our body wants to eliminate fungus when possible. If not, we can have a host of issues. Overall, if they are put on a salad I don’t think it’s a big deal. But, I wouldn’t go down the “mushroom-steak” type of road. And on days while being totally mucus-free, I’d probably leave them off the salad.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

      • Chris says:

        Hey Prof Spira. Love you brother. I saw with Rashad Evans you mentioned you haven’t done mushrooms or Ayahuasca. You also mentioned so many of your followers and friends though have. My question is has your mind changed on mushrooms with Paul stamets and fantastic fungi video on Netflix and specifically how mushrooms are changing so many peoples lives profoundly? I just can’t believe they arent apart of the correct path. The universe placed them here for our healing. They have to be fine for us. Has your opinions changed over the years or are they still a no go for you?

  14. matt says:

    Hi there I was just wondering about coconut flour and would that be good for the transitional diet or not? I have just finished reading Rational fasting and im trying to mentally prepare myself for a major diet overhaul.

    • Spira says:

      Personally, I would not use it on the transition. I think it could be addicting and might not eliminate too well. I’ve tended to steer clear of most fats, even during the transition, and have had more success with some of the starchier mucus-forming transitional tools. Thus, breads made with certain grain flours have been a transitional staple for many along this path. But, if you are compelled to try it, tell us how you do with it.

      Peace, Love, and Breath!

      • matt says:

        Thanks for the insight what you recommend for “certain grain flours”?? I Have been Fasting for 40 hours and counting the longest I have ever gone with out food in my life! It feels good to test out the ol will power.

    • Judy says:

      Please tell me what to do to target my lower back pain for the last 43 years I have suffered after having 2 caudell shots to numb me from waist down to have my 2 babies. It was very painful births even though I had these shots.
      Everyday of my life I have hurt in lower back. Plus have fibromyalgia.
      That has consumed my life.can you please help me .

      • Brady says:

        Hi Judy,
        Thank you for sharing your situation with us. Dealing with chronic pain, especially from something as significant as childbirth, is incredibly challenging, and it’s clear you’ve been through a lot.
        For personalized health advice, especially considering your history and the severity of your pain, it’s best to consult directly with professionals who can provide the tailored care you need. We offer in-depth coaching and currently have an eCourse offer that comes with free coaching calls. You can check out the webinar using this link:
        Take care, and we hope to provide you with the support you need.

  15. Amber says:

    I was wondering if you knew if taro was mucus forming in the body? It’s one of my favourite root vegetables. I am curious to know that if a pregant women was following the mucusless diet healing system would she make sure she eats fat or will mucusless foods provide her and her baby with everything they need? Thanks

  16. Mackenzie says:

    Hi! Thank you for compiling this list, it is incredibly helpful! I just wanted to ask, what is your take on cravings? The longest I’ve been able to go completely raw, is about two weeks at a time. I then get cravings for cooked food, and end up eating cooked veggies and starchier vegan foods that make me feel awful and slow my digestion. Do you feel that cravings are a sign of detox, or could it be a sign that I’m not eating enough? When raw, I don’t let myself go hungry, and I also supplement with vitamineral green, so I’m not sure why im experiencing so many cravings for heavier foods. Thanks for any insight you can give!

    • Spira says:

      Thank you for your question Mackenzie! I’m going to discuss this in my next live Q&A video. Keep an eye out on my Youtube channel to catch us live, or to see the replay video. Peace, Love, and Breath!

  17. Albina says:

    Dear Prof. Spira,
    Million thanks for so valuable information! This is a true discovery for me, but I’m a bit confused. First, I found Dr. Sebi and printed out the ‘electric’ food list that consists of avocado, amaranth, quinoa etc. and exludes broccoli, carrots, cauliflower because they are hybrid vegetables, not from Mother Nature. Today I’ve found out that avocado isn’t good, quinoa and amaranth are mucus forming. I’d like to create an ideal list of food to hang it in the kitchen. How would you comment about this? And also, I’d like to ask about freshly squeezed juices like orange juice, is it better to drink it pure or mix with water? And what about smoothies if water is added there, are they good? Thank you very very much!!

    • Spira says:

      When they are “well-baked,” most of the starch is cooked out of them and they become mostly mucus-free. White potatoes do not do this too well, and remain fairly starchy even after being well-baked. Peace, Love, and Breath!

  18. Julie says:

    I’m intrigued by this information. I always knew dairy was bad but to find more in the list is great. This is path to gud health. But my 9 month old baby is having blocked nose. He has breast milk and solids. How can I slowly help him. I know this should be a slow process but I also need to stop this mucus build up from irritating my kid. Wat can I do?

  19. Brandon says:

    Hi Spira, I’m vegan, but im interested in body building. i find it quite difficult to do so on a mucusless diet, but im wondering if I can stick with the transition diet first, mainly eating mucusless foods with some beans and possibly spelt here and there for muscle building purposes. and when ive reached a weight of my desire, can i go mucusless without losing a SIGNIFICANT amount of size and strength?

    also, if on a mucusless diet, can i do that for years to obtain the same effects of a 20~30 day water fast detox? Im not sure if i am willing to go through a fast for such a prolonged period of time, but i definitely want to clean out my system to the fullest.

  20. Russell says:

    Hello Mr.Spira, Im curious as to the effects of being mucusless for lets say a full two weeks and then having a piece of fish or chicken on occasion? Does it completely reset the body and take away all the good progress from the past two weeks or if eaten with a raw salad and something like pineapple (to help eliminate the mucus) would it be less harmful and eliminate faster? I cant seem to find the answer so hopefully you can help. Also I have the same problem as Brandon’s question (9/27/16) except I have been working out for some time and am also scared I am going to lose a lot of muscle mass. Its ok to be blunt with me though. Health over muscle lol.

  21. Russell says:

    Also, I know nuts are high in protein but seem to be slightly mucus forming…Is there something I could do with these to help with my protein intake? Thanks again!

    • Judy says:

      Please can you help me target my lower back pain. Since 43 years ago giving birth to my 2 children
      Had a shot in my spine to numb me from waist down so I could give birth. Have had pain that has gotten worse over the years.
      It’s unbearable pain I have to take narcotics to bear the pain 24/7

      • Brady says:

        Hi Judy,
        Thank you for sharing your situation with us. Dealing with chronic pain, especially from something as significant as childbirth, is incredibly challenging, and it’s clear you’ve been through a lot.
        For personalized health advice, especially considering your history and the severity of your pain, it’s best to consult directly with professionals who can provide the tailored care you need. Professor Spira offers in-depth coaching and currently has an eCourse offer that comes with free coaching calls. You can check out the webinar using this link:
        Take care, and we hope to provide you with the support you need.

  22. Skinny says:

    I have a problem with keeping weight on, if I go below a certain weight I do not function properly, getting anxiety, depression and losing the will to live. For some reason I do not understand, you have missed out potatoes, a major food item to me.!!!!!

  23. Alpha says:

    I think that it’s important to note that Dr Ehret did not fully discover how powerful a mucus less diet was until he went to Africa. African people were eating like this thousands of years ago and we in fact taught it to those we encountered. Dr Ehret did the research that would convince his fellow Europeans bredren who many still refuted his claims as they do today. I appreciate his efforts in compiling some lists but this is no discover, it was the primary way of life for Africans. Peace to you brotha for keeping it alive.

    • mucus_free_life says:

      I’m not sure where you read that, but cabbage is certainly mucus-free. It can be problematic if it’s overcooked, as it will not eliminate as well, but it’s still mucus-free.

  24. Jessica Rosenthal says:

    Thank you so much for this great list and all the information from this website. I am wondering about one of my favorite vegetables: okra. Is this mucusless?

  25. Aisha Smith says:

    Hi Prof Spira

    Im glad I found your website this is the last part of my puzzle for my gut healing. Im struggling because I have a sweet tooth and I feel like all these diets are a battle. Not not ever eat fast food cakes and all these foods that I know are bad its too difficult. Nobody mentions how we can still have a treat these the problem why many cant stick to diets. Can you let me know your thoughts on this.

  26. Aisha Smith says:

    I also have another question how do we manage with small children who want chocolate cakes and ice cream. Its a very difficult concept for them to understand.

  27. Kirsty Ellis says:

    Are sprouted pulses or legumes mucusless, say sprouted lentils or sprouted chickpeas? Same with grains such as buckwheat is sprouted buckwheat mucusless?

  28. Ellen says:

    I’m trying to help a bed-ridden patient struggling with phlegm. The problem I confront with the mucus-free diet is that she is severely under-weight. How can I help her gain weight?

  29. Pauline Cooper says:

    I have been making soups from tomatoes or cauliflower and white potato. Are these good in a mucusless or low mucus diet? I regularly bake zucchini, eggplant and sweet potatoes.

    • Prof. Spira says:

      Greetings Pauline, generally we do not recommend soups, as it is harder for the stomach to digest the water/solid food mixture. But, if you’re earlier on in your transition, it is ok now and then. As you get cleaner, it will become harder to tolerate soups that mix too many items. I’d also try to use sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.

      The baked zucchini, eggplant, and sweet potatoes sound good!

  30. Briana B says:

    Dear Professor Spira,
    I’d like to be able to still bake some vegan items like banana date bread as we transition, is there a defatted flour such as coconut or another defatted seed flour such as sesame or peanut, or something else that can be used in moderation during transition…?
    Thank you!
    Blessings 🙏🏻

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