This is the introduction to Prof. Arnold Ehret’s Physical Fitness thru a superior Diet Fasting and Dietetics also A Religious Concept of Physical, Spiritual and Mental Dietetics by Fred Hirsch.
Physical Fitness thru a superior Diet Fasting and Dietetics: Introduction
What is significant in all of Prof. Arnold Ehret’s writings is that he had evidently a remarkable insight as how man lived in the failed paradisical Garden of Eden! It must at least be most certainly admitted that the man had visions which he found difficult to express into ordinary words. Surely, God’s truth is as free as the water you drink, to all willing to partake of same at the fountain! And you will know exactly how to proceed, if only you have thoroughly acquainted yourself with the basic health teachings of Prof. Ehret. First permit me to mention a few pertinent facts. Arnold Ehret was imbued solely with teaching his fellow man the proper methods for securing health, happiness and longevity through living in complete harmony with the laws of Nature! He achieved what others consider to be “seeming miracles” – and it now remains your privilege to judge for yourself whether the way of life taught by this long-to-be-remembered man with such deep convictions holds the promised health rewards for you! We have found it to be almost essential, as well as most desirable, to practically commit these teachings to memory: