(The free download giveaway is has ended. If you would like to get a free list of the Top 10 best Mucus-free foods, click HERE).
Over the past several years, I’ve worked hard to create and promote the new Annotated, Revised, and Edited Mucusless Diet Healing System. And I’m excited to announce that on November 25th, the paperback and Kindle versions will finally be available on Amazon! Would you like FREE Annotated Mucusless Diet PDF, Kindle, and EPUB copies? One of the most important things an author can do for their book is to launch it with a lot of Amazon customer reviews. I’d love your help with this. One of the most important things an author can do for their book is to launch it with a lot of Amazon customer reviews.Get free downloads of the Annotated Mucusless Diet PDF, Kindle, and EPUB versions in return for you review.
I’ll send you a free copy of our Kindle/ePub/PDF version Annotated Mucusless Diet to check out if you are willing to write an Amazon review for the book. All I ask is that you leave your honest feedback/thoughts on the book’s Amazon sale page as a customer review on November 25, 2014, the day the book comes out. I’d be happy to send you digital copies that you can read on any of your eReading devices. Just follow this link, sign up, and then download the files.SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE COPY
Let me know what you think, and let me know if you have any questions.

It would be wonderful if you could send out a reminder email on the 25th (if you’re not already doing so) about leaving a review.
Busy mom of 3 here that still has some lymph in her head to be filtered!
I would love to review your book(s) on BLACKSGOINGVEGAN.COM. I’d also love it if you allowed me to reprint a section of it, or if you have an article you would like me to run, I’d be thrilled to have that as well. Let me know your thoughts.
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