Effects of Overeating and the Mucusless Diet Healing System

Effects of Overeating

Below is a discussion about the effects of overeating while practicing the Mucusless Diet Healing System (the ORIGINAL Vegan Lifestyle).

Large Meals and the Mucus-free Diet

Written by Tony on May 21, 2013

Peace Spira,

What’s your relationship with eating large meals or over eating?

I have noticed after fasting periods, that my organs have shrank and small amounts of mucusless foods are enough. In fact, sometimes I have noticed that in reality very small amounts of juicy fruits are completely used in my system, ONLY IF my system is generally clean and uncongested.

I learned from Ehret that it is sometimes better to eat a large mucus-free meal then a smaller mucus-forming one. So at times I find myself eating large amounts of fruits and huge salads. Yet its harder to digest, and I can tell from the enemas that less of the food is being broken down and the sugar is not as well being used it seems.

I would like at this point to start consistently eating smaller meals. Any tips? What is your experience with this? How much do we really need to eat at a time during the two suggested meals a day?

I have found after fasts that 1-2 orange is sufficiently, whereas when not fasting I might sit down and have 4-5 oranges as a lunch.

What are your thoughts?


effects of overeating

What does it Mean to Overeat on a Mucus-free Diet?

Written by Prof. Spira on May 21, 2013

The experiences you are describing sound about right. I find that I rarely overeat fruit, especially the cleaner I get. I used to over drink fruit juice, but do not do that anymore either.

Eating vegetables tend to make me want to overeat, as well as get me into cooked foods. This is partly because vegetables don’t give us the pure stimulation of fruit.

So, we start stuffing and really never get where we want to–because we know what it feels like on the fruit level.

Since I find myself drawn to the to poles (refined fruit diet or the heavier vegetable-based mucusless periods that include cooked and raw foods), I work to develop my strength in the middle, i.e. fruit during the day and a raw mucus-free salad at night.

But keep in mind, that is where I’m at now, but it took me 11 years to get to this point. I’m also getting into fruit all day and a green drink in the evening. These modes are harder for me than all fruit or fruit juice, as the fruit levels feel most natural. I always crave fruit juice, but rarely vegetable juices.

Again, this makes sense since we are primarily fruit eaters. This is also why some children turn their nose up at veggies, but usually are attracted to fruit, or sweets.

But to put this level of mucus-free eating into perspective, I spent years following levels of THE SYSTEM that were less advanced.

This included years where my default eating mode was fruits in the afternoon, juice as an in-between snack, and a large vegetable meal in the evening consisting of

  • large raw combination salad
  • steamed/baked vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, squash, sweet potato, greens, etc.)
  • (optional) cooked beans or peas
  • (optional) well-toasted 100% wheat toast
  • (very optional) if I craved it, a bit of processed cooked vegan foods (100% wheat spaghetti, the  occasional soy or Nature Burger, bean-based patties, etc.).

How to Define Overeating on the Mucusless Diet

I wouldn’t eat these things all at once usually. I would have smaller portions of the “optional” items, and limit the meal to only including one or two of them (See Spira Speaks for more details on my mucuslean eating). For me, overeating on the Mucusless Diet is eating to the point where you become uncomfortable.

This is why it is important to understand what you are and are not addicted to. In the mucus-free realm, it takes a lot of eating to feel uncomfortable. But in the mucus-forming level, you could eat two pieces of toast with a salad and feel too full. But, if toast is particularly addictive for you, then you might not be able to just eat one or two pieces. Thus, one should choose foods, not just on how much mucus they may or may not create, but on how ADDICTIVE the food is.


picard cooked food1

For years, my worst mucus addiction was corn chips. Having a handful of them with a salad would not have been that big a deal, but they were particularly addictive. They did not cause enough damage to force me to stop eating them, but I could not just eat a few of them once ate one.

I lost all control. This, then, was a serious addiction that I had to take into consideration. Ultimately, my goal was not to try and transition to eating less, but to stop eating them all together. For many, avocados would fit this category perfectly. They are incredibly addictive and most people can’t just eat one every once in a while and move one.

But people might eat several of them every day. This to me is a candidate for finding something else, possibly a cooked mucus-free vegetable item, and working to get off of it sooner than later.

Keep in mind that each person will find different foods that are more or less addictive and cause different amounts of damage or cleansing. For instance, in my case beans were much less addictive than something like avocados and eliminated 10 times better.

I would have avocado slime coming out for two or three days, whereas the beans normally came through in a day and left behind little to no residue. So, it must be understood that there is much nuance to comprehending why we eat certain items and under what circumstances we choose to eat them.

Conclusion: Effects of Overeating

Overall, the less you eat the better. Yet, if you overeat it is not the worst thing in the world. As you pointed out, better to overeat mucusless than even a little bit of mucus in many circumstances. In the long run, the mucusless items will eliminate better while doing the least amount of damage.

But, you will go through various phases during the transition that reveal the potential heights that you may one day reach, and how low you can still go. Sometimes a hand full of grapes will be enough for the entire day, and other days you will find yourself filling up on various things. My approach is to be as deliberate as possible in all cases.

If I’m eating mucus, I want to do it deliberately, anticipate what will happen,  and control the process. When I know I’m in a mucus eating mode, I don’t resist (within reason). As Brother Air always said, as long as you keep doing your enemas as needed and regularly fast, the dirty dog craving periods will always pass. It also depends on what you are eliminating. Some poisons need fasting, some seem to need to be buffered by mucuslean menus. But, you will intuitively know this as you move forward and understand more about your self and the diet.

Peace, Love, and Breath!

Prof. Spira


healing system
Check out the New Annotated, Revised, and Edited Edition of the Mucusless Diet Healing System from Amazon



4 thoughts on “Effects of Overeating and the Mucusless Diet Healing System

  1. Gregory Wiltz says:

    First off thank you for sharing this info. I have been mucus free for some while now about half a year and I’m into fruitarianism now. I want your perspective on mono meals I have been attracted to pineapples lately.

  2. Gregory Wiltz says:

    First off thank you for sharing this info. I have been mucus free for some while now about half a year and I’m into fruitarianism now. I want your perspective on mono meals I have been attracted to pineapples lately.

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