Category Archives: Mucus-free Lifestyle

Go through the blog for health journey with the mucus-free lifestyle with mucusless diet. Prof. Spira discusses the most revolutionary thing you can do.

New Annotated Mucusless Diet Healing System Reviews

The new Annotated, Revised, and Edited Mucusless Diet Healing System was released late last year and is now on sale! Long-term Mucusless Diet practitioners as well as newcomers to Ehret’s work have found the the eBook to be enlightening and inspiring. The eBook is not a reworking of the Mucusless Diet, but a critical edition […]

Addiction to Pus and Mucus-forming Foods: Stages of Dependency and Recovery

The greatest addiction of all time is most definitely pus/mucus-forming foods. Brother Air (famous Mucusless Diet practitioner) often says that trying to overcome a mucus addiction makes hardcore illegal drugs look like getting off of Skittles. The reality is that it will take a long time to overcome the addiction so it is important to […]