Category Archives: Videos

Live Q&A #12 – October 8, 2015 @ 7pmEST

Join Prof. Spira for a Q&A about the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Topics to be discussed include: Mucus in Throat, Overeating, Avocados, Fully Raw without Transition, Mucus vs. Lymph Fluid, Fred Hirsch, “The Fall”, and  more. Questions? Type them in the comment section below and we will address them if we are able.    

Fast Breaking Techniques for the Mucusless Diet

How to Quit Smoking Weed Naturally on a Mucus-free Diet

How to Quit Smoking Weed I recently publish a blog post on this site entitled Overcoming Marijuana Addiction through the Mucusless Diet Healing System. As a followup, mucusless diet practitioner Tony shared some specific methods that he used to begin to overcome his deep addiction to marijuana. They are as follows: Overcoming Smoking Naturally on a […]

Fasting Diet: When can I Fast on the Mucusless Diet?