Nourishing and Curing Laxatives – Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation
No advanced physician will deny the relation between any disease and constipation. But today people are far a-way from Nature and the truth, and they are kept more and more. In darkness —when taken sick they do just the opposite of what they should do. The slightest indisposition, a little headache or cold, which is the result of insufficient bowel movement, is treated with more, and so-called better eating — in spite of a decreased appetite. This is the main reason why Influenza, the “Flu, became a fatal disease. Formerly “Flu” was as easy to cure as the harmless “Grippe ‘ — a self-cleansing process of the body, mostly prevalent in springtime. Knowing nothing of “scientific medicine,” germs, etc., the patient instinctively followed his lack of appetite, took a mild laxative and very rapidly recovered; usually he felt much better after than before the “healing” disease. Today, he is falsely taught that a germ is responsible — and not his dangerous unhygienic nab its. He eats too much, which is against the law of Nature, instead of fasting, the way every ailing animal cures itself.
But the amount of internal impurities and auto-toxins of man exceed those of any diseased animal. A long fast, therefore, would kill the majority of sick men; however, they would not die by starvation, but would become suffocated from their own poisonous filth. As an authority in fasting I know full well the reason why a fast is so feared by most people, and that it has been misapplied by laymen. It is a crime to advise a constipated patient to fast until his tongue is clean, before removing the deposits of poisons” from his intestines. I could only succeed in curing very old, severe cases of chronic constipation by relatively long fasts. Man, in regard to health, is more degenerated than any kind of animal. He lost his reason, so to say, about matters of which he thinks the animal has none at all. Yet! his intelligence places him far above the animal and enables him to assist Nature to overcome obstructions and difficulties that could become dangerous. That is the philosophical sense of the Art of Natural Healing.
Therefore, if you want to cure chronic constipation perfectly and without any harm, you must change your diet and instead of using foods which produce disease and constipation, eat really nourishing foods which loosen up, dissolve and cure. But people are ignorant regarding this truth just as they are about fasting, and they try to do things without previous experience or knowledge, and failure is usually the result. What I call “Mucusless Diet” consists of fresh, ripe fruits and starchless vegetables, for they are the ideal foods, and the fundamental remedies for all diseases. Of course, the application must be intelligently advised by a practitioner graduated from my school of the Mucusless Diet Healing System, or a personal knowledge can be received through the study of my book, the Mucusless Diet Healing System.”It is an “eating-your-way-to-health” treatment, and consequently the most reasonable method of curing, because wrong eating is the causative factor in all diseases.
These mucusless, nourishing and “laxative,” that is, dissolving foods, form new blood; the best blood that has ever run through your veins — and at once start the so-called constitutional cure of the body. The circulation of the new blood, permeating every part of the system, dissolves and eliminates the morbid mucus, which is clogging up the en¬tire human organism; it especially loosens the deep-seated impurities in the intestines and renovates the whole system. This, then is the great enlightening fact — why constipation not only can be perfectly cured, but why the “Mucusless I Diet” cures when all other treatments have failed.
In severe cases of chronic constipation it is advisable in the beginning, to use as a help, a harmless laxative, to remove the solid obstructions of feces in the intestines; in other words, to eject the worst filth out of a clogged-up pipe system. Enemas consisting of clear, warm water are also a good help in the beginning. Among numerous laxatives on the market those of vegetable origin are the least harmful. After many years of experience, I have prepared a “special mixture” of this kind. It has the advantage of removing the old, solid feces, , obstructions and mucus, from the intestines, without caus¬ing the usual diarrhea and constipation as an after effect. It is to be used in the beginning only, as an aid, and will not have to be used continually. As soon as the intestines are cleansed from the retained masses of feces and other obstructions and the mucusless or mucus-lean diet is taken up, you will realize the truth of the previously stated facts. You will then perceive with both your eyes and with your nose that I have not exaggerated. And you will become convinced that the state or obstruction was not only localized in your intestines, but that all passages of your entire system were obstructed and constipated with mucus, from your head to your toes.
You will then experience the formerly unbelievable fact — that any kind of disease —even those considered in¬curable by all doctors — under my treatment soon begin to improve and are finally cured, if a cure is at all possible, simply because the source of poisoning of the system — the chronic constipation — is eliminated. Then the new blood, derived from natural foods, circulates “unpoisoned” through the entire system and dissolves and eliminates every local symptom, even in the most deep-seated cases; and it removes the impurities of the entire system, which were mainly supplied from the deposits of poisons and morbid mucus in the intestines, which condition is called Chronic Constipation.
Conclusion of Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation
“Life is a tragedy of nutrition” is a statement I made many years ago. Everyone knows we dig our graves with our teeth, but the saddest of all is the present-day superstition of 99 per cent of the people — the most highly educated and the ignorant — the healthy as well as sick — the rich and the poor — that we must eat more concentrated food when weak or sick. Concentrated food, high protein and starchy foods are the most constipating which, as shown in this booklet accumulate in the form of waste in the alimentary canal. The so-called “good stool” daily is in reality constipation and you may now see that constipation is the main source of every disease and that the average person suffering from constipation can only be healed perfectly by a diet, free from STICKY – GLUEY – PASTY properties and that is a MUCUSLESS DIET.
You may improve your elimination temporarily through laxative remedies — special physical exercise — vibration, massages and various other methods, but you cannot clean out the old obstructions from the alimentary canal and regenerate and cleanse the whole system as long as you eat the same mucus and toxic-forming roods which have caused and continue causing your constipation and all other ailments of the human body.
-Arnold Ehret