Ep 50 Vadim Voss

Ep. 48 – Avoid Ending Up in a Bodybag (DO NOT Eat These Foods Ever Again)

(Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 8pmEDT) – [FREE EVENT] Remove Mucoid Plaque, Burn Fat, and Create Godlike Immunity Eating Mucus-free!

REGISTER HERE: https://live.mucusfreelife.com/transformation-webinar

Learn to Get Rid of Mucoid Plaque and create Life-long Friendships at the 4th Annual Prof. Arnold Ehret Day Celebration (Ticket Prices Raising Soon): https://live.mucusfreelife.com/ehret-day-2022

WE NEED YOUR HELP! This year’s Ehret Day Celebration will take place on July 30-31st in Columbus, OH. This is a life-changing event that inspires and rejuvenates all who attend. we are creating the example of how human events should be! Click Here to learn how you can help us make the event happen: Click here lend your support => https://www.gofundme.com/f/prof-arnold-ehret-day-celebration-2022

Download the Top 10 Mucus-free Foods List & Menu-Planning Guide FREE: http://bit.ly/5-free-recipes-to-detox-mucus

The Mucusless Diet Healing System is a complete course for every person who desires to learn how to control their health. The diet is a combination of individually advised long and short-term fasts, menus that progressively change to non-Mucus-Forming Foods, and periodic colon irrigation. For More Information visit: http://bit.ly/ultimate-mucus-free-book-bundle-1

General Disclaimer: The content found in this video and associated websites are based upon the opinions and research of Prof. Spira and his guests, and is strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

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