[LIVE] Prof. Spira talks about the Mucus-free Mindset, Plus Book Giveaway

Prof. Spira talks about learning to develop a “Mucus-free Mindset” while practicing the Mucusless Diet Healing System. At some point during the broadcast, there was  an opportunity to win a signed copy of the Annotated Mucusless Diet Healing System book! 

Download the Top Ten Mucus-free Foods List FREE: CLICK HERE

View on Youtube page: HERE.

Do you have questions? Comment below and if there is time Prof. Spira will address some questions.

What is the Mucusless Diet Healing System?

[Excerpt from Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System]

Physiological Liberation begins and ends with Prof. Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System. It contains the most profound rediscovery of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: that the human body is an “air-gas engine”! It explains how every sick person has a mucus-clogged system, and that this mucus comes from undigested, uneliminated, unnatural food substances that have accumulated since childhood. It has proven to be the most successful “compensation action” and so-called “cure” against every type of disease and illness known to humans. By its systematic application, hundreds of thousands of patients declared incurable by the “medical authorities” could be healed.

The Mucusless Diet consists of all kinds of raw and cooked fruits, starchless vegetables, and cooked or raw, mostly green-leaf vegetables. The Mucusless Diet Healing System is a combination of individually advised long- and short-term fasts, menus that progressively change to non-mucus-forming raw foods, and regular colon irrigation. In the book, Ehret observes that the human body is an air-gas engine that is maintained solely through breathing and that the accumulation of uneliminated waste materials (i.e., pus, mucus, and white dead blood) is what leads the chronically ill body to its painful demise. Ehret offers the equation, Vitality = Power – Obstruction, as an eloquent solution to the most injurious dietetic and physiological paradox in history: the belief that our body needs to consume nutritious materials that will ultimately promote its death. He criticizes many of the commonly held theories of metabolism, protein, and nutrition, and offers new physiological explanations derived from experimenting with his Mucus Theory. Ehret’s findings suggest that our bodies do not need to take in illness-causing substances to live, and that pus- and mucus-forming foods are the greatest proponents of human illness. Thus, the most fundamental human right is that we do not need to consume harmful, mucus-forming foods. In other words, we need not consume that which is unnecessary and damaging to human life.

Peace, Love, and Breath!

-Prof. Spira

Order Spira Speaks here: https://www.mucusfreelife.com/product-category/bookstore/

52 thoughts on “[LIVE] Prof. Spira talks about the Mucus-free Mindset, Plus Book Giveaway

  1. Andrea says:

    In transition to a mucus-free diet – my question’s about grains – I’m a bit confused – are whole grains and brown rice pasta also considered mucus-producing?

  2. Andrea says:

    In transition to a mucus-free diet – my question’s about grains – I’m a bit confused – are whole grains and brown rice pasta also considered mucus-producing?

  3. Carol (London, England) says:

    Great to be tuned in from the UK. Loving all things mucusless! Lemons, purple grapes, betries, pineapples, oranges, melons, etc have become my best friends in assisting me to heal. Thank you Mother Nature, thank you Dr Ehret, thank you Professor Spira for being bold enough to talk about mucusless healing system, and all the souls who are on this path, and those yet to discover it and take it up. Peace, love and breath!

  4. Carol (London, England) says:

    Great to be tuned in from the UK. Loving all things mucusless! Lemons, purple grapes, betries, pineapples, oranges, melons, etc have become my best friends in assisting me to heal. Thank you Mother Nature, thank you Dr Ehret, thank you Professor Spira for being bold enough to talk about mucusless healing system, and all the souls who are on this path, and those yet to discover it and take it up. Peace, love and breath!

  5. Ana says:

    Annotated Mucusless Diet 🙂 – Such a beautiful donation for the benefit of others.
    pleasure to be tuned in and listen to you both 🙂

  6. Ana says:

    Annotated Mucusless Diet 🙂 – Such a beautiful donation for the benefit of others.
    pleasure to be tuned in and listen to you both 🙂

  7. John Richards says:

    I just wrote my comment already under the name as John but didn’t include my last name. But thanks for the interview and making it live! I’m having to deal with a lot of the things you guys talked about. Thanks for the support and making this community! Bless you!

  8. John Richards says:

    I just wrote my comment already under the name as John but didn’t include my last name. But thanks for the interview and making it live! I’m having to deal with a lot of the things you guys talked about. Thanks for the support and making this community! Bless you!

  9. Nu says:

    Do you have any videos of you speaking or doing a speech or performing before you were on the diet? Is the diet what brought you to doing videos?

    • Spira says:

      There is not too much stuff up with me talking before the diet. There are some childhood videos and one of me singing when I was older. I’ll forward those your way if you’re interested.

  10. Nu says:

    Do you have any videos of you speaking or doing a speech or performing before you were on the diet? Is the diet what brought you to doing videos?

    • Spira says:

      There is not too much stuff up with me talking before the diet. There are some childhood videos and one of me singing when I was older. I’ll forward those your way if you’re interested.

  11. Ayin says:

    Annotated Mucusless Diet — I know I’m late… Just wanted to say this was an awesome interview.
    Thank you so much BoYee and Professor Spira! Peace, Love, and Breath to you Both!

  12. Ayin says:

    Annotated Mucusless Diet — I know I’m late… Just wanted to say this was an awesome interview.
    Thank you so much BoYee and Professor Spira! Peace, Love, and Breath to you Both!

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