This time of year can be quite challenging for those of us practicing the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Holidays, like what I’ve come to know fondly as ThanksKilling, present a unique problem for us. On one hand, it is very hard for us to be around our families as they eat pus and mucus-forming foods with impunity. On the other hand, it is always nice to commune with our loved ones, even if it is around food.
Practicing the Mucusless Diet Healing System During the Holiday Season
Each practitioner of higher-level plant-based lifestyles will need to find their own coping strategies during the holiday season. There are more hardcore approaches, like that of Brother Air who refused to participate in Thankskilling or Christmas on any level with his family. Yet, there are others that take the initiative to prepare transitional plant-based meals inspired by the Mucusless Diet to share with their loved ones. Others, unfortunately, show up to dinner thinking that they will be strong enough to withstand the nostalgic onslaught of holiday mucus and end up relapsing before the night is over.

I’ve used different coping strategies over the years depending upon what level I’d achieved, physiologically and psychologically speaking. I’d practiced the Mucusless Diet for about three months when the first holiday season came around. I can’t remember if I participated in ThanksKilling, but I recall thinking that I would be strong enough to hang out with my family while just eating the fruit that I brought with me. Before the night was out, I’d actually eaten some turkey, rolls, etc. Granted, I only took a couple bits and then stopped, my first great relapse was triggered. I did my best to not feel guilty or be hard on myself, but I’d worked so hard to not eat meat for the past couple months and slipped up, big time. Needless to say, I went home, fasted for a couple days, and got into some serious lemon enemas. I was able to bounce back and get on track fairly quickly.
Happy ThanksKilling!?
In subsequent years, I developed a very hardcore attitude about the holidays. I became more aware of the true histories of many holidays and found myself in the Matrix wanting to inform uninterested people that they had been lied to. That the holidays were just an illusion . . . and excuse to get high on pus and mucus. I soon got into the habit of fasting on major holidays and stopped attending family gatherings. I often dedicated my fasts to the Native Americans and/or African slaves slaughtered by genocidal and sadistic madmen.
From a social perspective, I could not afford another nostalgic holiday mucus-trigger, and wanted to prevent it by any means necessary. But by this time, I had also stopped eating at restaurants, and those around me knew that I was very serious about my lifestyle change. It was becoming apparent to loved ones that what they thought was a ‘fad diet’ for me was a bit more real.
I did find constructive ways to spend the holidays. I’m a jazz musician, and I would often get together with Brother Air and other Mucusless Diet practitioners to play music. We would also commune and have round table discussions whose content ranged from the diet to the cosmos. Sometimes, everyone in the house would be fasting, as it had basically become our counteractive custom to do so.
In more recent years, I’ve come to use a little bit of all previous strategies. I am much stronger with the diet and do not fear the kind of pus-relapse I experienced in the early days. Yet, I am simply uncomfortable hanging out with anyone, including family, while they eat huge holiday meals. What I will do is avoid the ‘eating’ part of the communal gathering. I will show up either before or after the ritual eating to visit with loved ones for a while. I will also visit with my Mucusless Diet family and have one of our patented round-table discussions.
The only strategy that I’ve never really used is the ‘cook mucusless meals and bring them’ strategy. Years ago, I became fairly hardcore about avoiding indulgent social eating habits of any kind, and got away from a lot of such situations. Before the diet, I would tend to be extra gluttonous during periods of social eating. Even if I were to show up with my own mucusless food, it tends not to work. When I’m sitting at the table sucking on a lemon or eating an apple, while others are eating turkey, etc., everyone is a bit uncomfortable.
In the end, it all depends upon your personality, how long you have been into the diet, your strength of character, and your aspirations. Perhaps in the future, fasting, juicing parties, and mucusless meals will become the norm during the holiday season. ThanksKilling can become a day of memorial for the oppressed indigenous peoples who had their land stolen from them in the Americas. It can become a day of remembrance for all of the many animals that have needlessly suffered and died before humans started to wake up and tear every slaughter house down to the ground. And perhaps our grandchildren’s grandchildren will look back at our era and say “I can’t believe they used to eat and celebrate like that!” But it all starts with us.
Have a safe and mucus-free holiday season!
Peace, Love, and Breath!
Prof. Spira
p.s. Need some encouragement and community during the holiday season? Join our Mucusless Diet Facebook group. It is free, and a place to find support during your Mucusless journey.
I wanted to buy your books but am worried about giving my credit card details.
Must be an age thing…63 :-0
This is a great article! It is really nice to hear about your experiences with the holidays and different strategys used.