[LIVE] State of the MUCUS Address 2018 with Prof. Spira & Brother Air

Brother Air and Prof. Spira give their unfiltered and uncompromising commentary on the state of the world in the midst of a pus- and mucus-eating crisis. Broadcasts live on 6/28/18 at 7pmEDT. New Feed
To view on YouTube, click HERE. Are you interested in joining the Mucus-free Life Team? Click here: https://goo.gl/forms/qkgxwfilsNxBXPEi1 Are you interested in coming to Columbus, OH and participating in an Arnold Ehret Day celebration? Click here: https://goo.gl/forms/tBY719x2UaAK5vYc2  [NEW RELEASE] Physical Fitness Thru a Superior Diet V = P – O Album: CD Baby

4 thoughts on “[LIVE] State of the MUCUS Address 2018 with Prof. Spira & Brother Air

  1. Georgia says:

    Issue is people have no sense of discipline and most people nowadays can’t focus. Scattered brain. It is the mental status of people who want to go vegan or fruitarian. Their lack of discipline but humbleness too. To accept to stop eating what they feel tempted too. Yes we all love fruits so it is easy to eat them and propose them to be it. But to quit the rest it is a different story. To clean for reals instead of throwing the garbage under the rug.

  2. Georgia says:

    Issue is people have no sense of discipline and most people nowadays can’t focus. Scattered brain. It is the mental status of people who want to go vegan or fruitarian. Their lack of discipline but humbleness too. To accept to stop eating what they feel tempted too. Yes we all love fruits so it is easy to eat them and propose them to be it. But to quit the rest it is a different story. To clean for reals instead of throwing the garbage under the rug.

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