Transition Diet Program: Slowing Down the Speeding Train

Transition Diet Program

Years ago I started studying physics and came across the Law of Falling Bodies and other such equations. Although I did not become adept enough to sit down and work out the mathematical details, the studies inspired a great deal of philosophical though expansion. It enabled me to raise new questions and think differently about the nature of the Mucusless Diet Healing System (get the New paperback on Amazon HERE).  Conceptually, the Law of Falling bodies, as a concept, inspired me to further my own understanding of a rational rate of transitional change. Ultimately, it led me to a philosophy of transitional dietary change, in which Ehret’s transitional methodologies may be used to incrementally shift directions.

We can’t stop a train speeding down a hill toward a wall by hitting the reverse button, and we can’t stop generations of wrong eating-habits with a radical fruit or raw diet. Transition is the platinum key! Below, I will offer an analogy that demonstrates my thoughts.

Speeding Down the Hill to Destruction

The idea is this: before beginning the transition diet, the condition of a person’s body while eating pus and mucus-forming foods is like a heavy train on a track going down a hill at 100 miles an hour. Up ahead is a brick wall covering the end of the track. The question is, what is the best way to avoid the Great Crash, i.e. certain death? How can we turn the train around (180 degrees) and not only avoid the great crash, but actually enable ourselves to go back in the opposite direction from whence we came successfully?

Do you just put on the brakes and hope that you did so soon enough to avoid hitting the wall? Would you try to put the train in reverse without first using the breaks? This would be pretty hard to do while moving in one direction without having another engine cab on the back-end or more traction. All of the momentum is moving toward downward toward the wall.

Taking the Switch to the Half-Oval Transition

transition diet program

What if there were adjacent tracks available, would it be possible to slightly hit the breaks and then enter the track (as long as it had enough angle to support the speed of the train)? If the train slightly changed its course to safely enter the adjacent switch track, could it avoid impact with the wall and enter an entirely new course?

My answer is YES! If the construction of this track happens to be made up a large half-oval, it would be possible to, 1) slow down and change tracks, 2) once on the new track continue to apply the breaks, 3) eventually release the breaks and coast around the half oval safely, 4) ultimately speed up to get enough momentum to go back up the hill on a parallel track.

The half-oval must be wide enough, and the train going slow enough, or the cars might tip over and the train fall off the track. Once on the oval, it is also important to remain on it and not get lost or distracted by other alternate tracks that might be available, most of which lead to dead ends.

“I think I can, I think I can!”

While going up the hill, it becomes important to keep a steady speed: not too slow or you will not have enough momentum to get up the hill. But not too fast because you are still going up a large hill with a heavy load. It is crucial to maintain a safe speed.

“I think I can, I think I can!”

After someone has been on the transition diet for a year or two, they enter what I might refer to as the “I think I can” stage. Once the train, or Healing System practitioner, has avoided certain destruction and is going in the other direction, then a steady speed must be used. Momentum is important, yet you don’t want to try and go too fast. You also need not go too slow. Commonly, going too slow would be eating processed vegan foods for long periods of time with no fasting, colon irrigation, or combining with mucus-free foods. On the other hand, the too fast may be characterized by people who are overzelous and try to become a raw all-fruit eater or long-term faster with no transition.

The “I think I can” period may be a time of feeling empowered and free! The “honeymoon period” of the diet, if you will. But we’re not out of the woods yet if we desire to get to the top of the mountain. We must have conviction, drive, and determination on par with “Little Engine that Could.”  It is not a race, but an endeavor in which steady, consistent, and rational transitional efforts help you get to the TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!

Slowing Down the Train – Visual Aid

Analogy Explained

As discussed above, in this analogy the speeding train represents someone who is eating a diet of mucus and pus-forming foods heading toward terminal illness. The sicker the person, the closer they are to the brick wall of death. The adjacent track that forms a long half oval represents the “transition diet” and initial stages of fasting within the Mucusless Diet Healing System.

When put in these terms, I hope that it becomes clear why it is so important to understand and respect the transition diet. You would not be successful stopping a speeding train before it goes into the wall without first slowing it down and then rationally changing its course gradually over time.

A good transition diet is like taking an alternate switch to a long half-oval shaped stretch of track to change course before hitting the wall and go in the opposite direction. Sometimes the track can get a bit bumpy (falls or healing crisis), people may try to stop your train, but it is the best way to go. This takes time, but you can enjoy the ultimate scenic route of healing during the trip. For people with stronger constitutions that begin transitioning before getting too close to the brick wall, the entire process can be much easier and less dramatic. Whereas, the journey of the chronically ill may be more intense in the beginning. But the principles of transitional shift and healing process are the same.

Transition Diet Program: Visual Aid Commentary 


Back to the Future!

When I came up with the train allegory years ago, I was watching a physics documentary discussing the Law of Falling Bodies, and I thought of this scene. Notice how Doc Brown slows down and hits an oval shape at the end while on the the hover board.

In this example, Marty and the Delorian could represent a physiological or spiritual genius that avoids the wall by transporting to a different dimension (Some would say that the stories of Babaji represent this kind of figure, insofar as he can transport or rebirth himself in a different dimension before he hits the wall). Yet, when Marty arrived at the new destination, the laws of physics still apply. The vehicle slows down and eventually comes to a halt and is inoperable.

Doc Brown, on the other hand, ends up not only being able to become an immortal kind of character who unlocked the ability to do inter-dimensional travels at will, but had the power to take his entire family (and their physical bodies) with him. Thus, the person(s) who decided to apply the half-oval (slow and steady transition) may initially seem a bit slower or weak, but they end up much more powerful in the long-run.


Ageless Wisdom

This is an ageless story told and retold through the ages in many different ways. Who doesn’t remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins, yet why is this wisdom lost to so many who try to practice plant-based healing diets? Everyone wants to be the hare, and looks down upon the tortoise. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying go too slow. I’m saying, go at the rate at which you are physiologically enabled to go at. And remember, a slow and steady transition will lead to long-term success.

Peace, Love, and Breath!

Prof. Spira

healing system
Check out the New Annotated, Revised, and Edited Edition of the Mucusless Diet Healing System from Amazon


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